Monday, May 18, 2009


We haven't seen many films lately, but managed to catch Star Trekk and Wolverine and liked both. We also saw The Curious Case of Benjamim Button at home last weekend. Interesting, but too long - we had to watch it in two parts. And that was all.


  1. Hey! nice to see you back on the blog :).
    We're planning to watch Curious Case of B.B. for over a month but we couldn't manage yet! We are a bit terrified by the 3 hour long movie.

  2. I was afraid the story in the Curious case would be mind puzzling, but I was disappointed. Just another story/movie.

  3. Oh, can I borrow the case of benjamim? :)

  4. Anca: I'm glad I didn't see it on the cinema. I would have fallen asleep.

    Iona: I wasn't expecting much to be honest. My favourite part was the guy that was hit by a lightening 7 times.

    Lelei: Sure, will give you on Saturday. :-)


Uuuuh, so you decided to comment, huh? Well done!